Can Peace Lily Grow in Water? 6 Common Mistakes to Avoid

The peace lily is a beloved houseplant renowned for its stunning foliage and stunning white flowers. It’s easy to care for too, making it suitable for both novice and experienced gardeners alike.

But have you ever wondered if peace lilies can grow in water? The answer is yes.

But there are a few things you should be aware of before trying this experiment. In this article, we’ll cover everything you should know before trying your hand at growing peace lilies in water.

Can Peace Lily Grow in Water?

Yes, peace lilies can grow in water. Indeed, propagating them this way is a widely popular way to propagate these stunning plants. Propagating peace lilies in water is both easy and cost-effective – just be sure to weigh the pros and cons before beginning this venture.Pros of Growing Peace Lilies in Water:

Growing peace lilies in water has several advantages that make it an attractive option for plant enthusiasts. Here are some pros of growing peace lilies in water:

  • Easy Propagation

Water propagation is a simple and cost-effective way to increase your plant collection. All you need is a healthy peace lily stem or leaf cutting and a container of water. Place the cutting in the water and wait for roots to develop before transferring the plant to soil or keeping it in water.

  • Visible Roots

One of the advantages of growing peace lilies in water is being able to observe their roots growing. This can be an exciting and educational experience, particularly for children or novice gardeners. You can watch as these roots take shape and gain more insight into plant development overall.

  • Rescue Dying Plants

Water propagation is a great way to rescue a dying peace lily. If your plant is struggling in soil or showing signs of stress, you can try transferring it to water to give it a new lease on life. Water can provide a fresh start for a peace lily that’s been struggling in soil.

  • Easy Maintenance

Peace lilies grown in water are relatively straightforward to care for, as you won’t need to worry about soil quality, pests or overwatering. Water levels should be checked periodically and the water changed as needed; otherwise, these aquatic flowers require minimal upkeep.

  • Decorative

Finally, peace lilies planted in water make for a striking decorative addition to any home or office space. You can showcase your plant using unique or decorative containers, while the clear water adds an air of serenity and calm to any environment.

two peace lily grow in glass heart bottle

Cons of Growing Peace Lilies in Water:

  • Limited Growth Potential

Sea lilies grown in water may not develop to their full size or health as those grown in soil. While they can still produce beautiful blooms and foliage, they may not reach their full potential without access to essential nutrients found only in soil.

  • Frequent Watering and Maintenance

Peace lilies that grow in water require regular watering and upkeep to stay healthy. Monitoring water levels is key to prevent them from drying out or becoming waterlogged, while changing it periodically prevents bacterial growth and maintains proper nutrient balance.

  • Susceptibility to Root Rot

Peace lilies grown in water are particularly vulnerable to root rot, a condition caused by fungal growth on waterlogged soil or substrate. If the plant’s roots remain submerged for too long, they may become damaged and start to rot – leading to stunted growth, brown leaves, and other symptoms indicative of stress.

  • Limited Nutrient Availability

While peace lilies grown in water can still absorb nutrients from the water, they may not have access to the same variety or amount of nutrients as those grown in soil. This can limit their growth potential and make them more susceptible to diseases and pests.

Read more: How to Get Peace Lily to Bloom: 10 Beautiful Blooming Tips

How to Grow Peace Lilies in Water:

Choosing the Right Container

Choosing the right container is crucial when it comes to growing peace lilies in water. Based on experience, it’s recommended to opt for clear glass containers that allow you to observe the growth of the plant’s roots. This not only adds an intriguing visual element to your indoor space but also enables light to reach the roots, promoting photosynthesis.

It’s important to ensure the chosen container provides stability and balance to prevent the peace lily from tipping over as it grows. Additionally, considering the container’s drainage capabilities is essential to prevent water from becoming stagnant and causing root rot.

Preparing the Water

Using clean and filtered water is essential for the health of your water-grown peace lilies. With my experience, i have to advice you not to use chlorinated or fluoridated tap water, as these chemicals can be detrimental to the plants. If tap water is your only option, let it sit overnight to allow chlorine to dissipate.

Propagating Peace Lily in Water

To propagate peace lilies in water, select a healthy parent plant with well-established roots. Carefully remove the plant from its soil, rinse the roots under running water to remove any soil particles, and place the plant in a container filled with clean water. Ensure that the roots are submerged but that the leaves remain above the water surface.

You should watch this video from John Garden, this is a good guide for beginners to Grow peace lilies in water:

How to Care for Peace Lily in Water

Providing adequate light for healthy growth

Peace lilies thrive in bright, indirect light. Placing your water-grown peace lily in a location where it can receive sufficient light is crucial. While they can tolerate some low-light conditions, inadequate lighting can result in weak growth and fewer blooms.

It’s important to strike a balance and avoid exposing the plant to direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves. Indirect light from a north or east-facing window is generally ideal. If natural light is limited, you can supplement it with artificial lighting, such as fluorescent or LED grow lights.

Monitoring and maintaining water levels

Peace lilies prefer their roots to be consistently moist but not sitting in water. If the water level is too high, it can lead to root rot, while insufficient water can cause the plant to wilt and suffer.

As a general guideline, maintain the water level so that it sits about an inch below the rim of the container. This allows the roots to access the water while preventing the leaves from being constantly wet.

It’s also recommended to use filtered or distilled water to prevent the buildup of chemicals, chlorine, or minerals that may be present in tap water.

Nutritional requirements and fertilization

A balanced liquid fertilizer specifically formulated for hydroponic or water culture plants is recommended. One such fertilizer is a 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 formulation, which provides a balanced ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These nutrients support overall plant health, leaf development, and flowering.

It’s generally advisable to dilute the fertilizer to half or quarter strength. Applying the diluted fertilizer every few weeks during the growing season helps supply the necessary nutrients without overwhelming the plant.

Read more: How to Propagate Peace Lily: 3 Best Methods

Pruning and grooming peace lilies in water

Based on experience, here are some tips for pruning and grooming water-grown peace lilies:

  • Remove yellow or dead leaves: Trim off any yellow or dead leaves using clean pruning shears or scissors.
  • Trim spent blooms: Cut faded flowers just above a healthy leaf or node to encourage new growth.
  • Control plant size: Prune back outer leaves and stems to maintain a manageable size and promote bushier growth.
  • Groom foliage: Wipe leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust and restore their natural shine.
  • Safety precautions: Wear gloves when handling peace lilies, as they contain irritant crystals.
peace lily's root can be seen with glass container

6 Common Mistakes to Avoid:


One of the most common mistakes is overwatering the peace lily. While they thrive in moist conditions, excessive water can lead to root rot and other complications.

Using tap water

Tap water often contains chlorine, fluoride, and minerals that can accumulate over time and harm your peace lily. Experience suggests using filtered or distilled water for watering. If tap water is your only option, let it sit overnight to allow the chlorine to dissipate.

Inadequate lighting

Peace lilies require bright, indirect light to thrive. Placing them in low-light areas can result in weak growth and fewer blooms. On the other hand, exposing them to direct sunlight can scorch the leaves.

Neglecting fertilization

My experience has shown that neglecting fertilization can result in pale foliage and stunted growth. Using a balanced liquid fertilizer specifically formulated for hydroponic plants and following the recommended dilution rates will help provide the necessary nutrients.

Ignoring grooming and pruning

Regular grooming and pruning are essential for maintaining a healthy and attractive peace lily. Neglecting these tasks can lead to a buildup of dust on the leaves, decreased aesthetic appeal, and hindered growth.

Lack of humidity

Peace lilies thrive in humid environments, and low humidity levels can negatively impact their growth. You can increasing humidity by placing the container on a tray filled with water and pebbles or using a room humidifier. This helps create a more suitable microclimate for the plant.


Can I grow a peace lily in just water without any soil?

Yes, peace lilies can be grown solely in water without any soil. They are adaptable to hydroponic or water culture environments.

How often should I change the water for my water-grown peace lily?

It is recommended to change the water every two to three weeks to prevent the accumulation of algae or other harmful substances.

Can I use tap water for my peace lily in water?

It is best to use filtered or distilled water to prevent the buildup of chemicals, chlorine, or minerals that may be present in tap water. If using tap water, allow it to sit overnight to dissipate chlorine.


Water propagation of peace lilies is a great choice for gardeners seeking an easy-care plant with low maintenance requirements. Water propagation not only offers you the chance to expand your collection at low costs, but it can also revive dying plants. Peace lilies grown in water can add an eye-catching element to any room or office, while their visible roots provide a stimulating learning experience.

However, it’s essential to be aware of potential downsides like limited growth potential, frequent watering and maintenance requirements, susceptibility to root rot and limited nutrient availability.

With proper care and attention however, your peace lily can thrive in water and add an exquisite aesthetic touch to your space. So if you’re wondering “can peace lily grow in water?” the answer is yes – with proper care it can thrive!